A story, a poem, whatever it shall be…
“And as she looks far ahead, where the mountains reach the sky. She whispers to herself, I have it all within my palms of my hands. I touch the flowers with my heart and immerse my mind amongst the rustling of the wind. 
I touch the flowers with my heart
It takes me faraway, to a journey I have yet to walk upon. I allow the sweet taste of growth and evolving of a new higher dimension, come through to me, as if it was my long lost friend.
My heart yields no dampness nor does it stagnate. It is I, that blends in where the wild flowers roam. It is I, that ventures out into the unknown. For the unknown, holds my heart within its blissful wanderlust mysteries.
 where the wild flowers roam
The softness of my heart meets the soul of another softened heart. It is within these roots of growth, we blend together our soft evolution. No longer sitting amongst the wildflowers alone. She sees potential, and a story that has yet to unfold.
For now, her chapter begins. The glistening of the wild dew drops, paints a picture of a fairytale starting to bloom, within and around her. She is no longer silent in her growth.
glistening of the wild dew drops
She adjusts her steps and wanders along the path, with faith in her hands and the love within her heart. All along trusting it will show her the way, to her destiny. 
sweet berries within her heart

And the sweet berries within her heart, bring fruits of the soul, deep in truth of love and life. She is never alone.”



Katica x