Everyone starts at zero, no foundation, starting at the very beginning. Everyone begins from nothing and builds up to where they want to go. Their own vision. This is the context from starting something new, a new venture, building your own brand, business, something you want to accomplish. You start at the very beginning.


Essentially, they build from the ground up. It’s onwards and upwards from there. Your inner core being is your foundation. Build from within, so you can build and expand outwards.


What exactly does that all mean ??


It means, we all have to start from the beginning and find our own path, journey, road whatever you want to call it. For some of us, life can be hard, very hard. Quite often the path to success can be littered with confusion, frustration, stagnation, an inability to move forward. When all we really want is the Universe to tell us, show us, where to from here ?



When all we really want is the Universe to tell us, show us, where to from here ?

Let’s dive deeper! 


Often times you are not going to know your way around in life. It’s going to take time and with time, sometimes months. weeks, years even. Until you find your footing. It’s not that you fail at life, or fail at getting somewhere. it’s just that you have to find your own way, your wayI can’t stress that enough. Life gets deep, and sometimes deeper than we wanted it to go. Can’t it be simple, less confusion, less stress ?!!


Sometimes people find their way easily, I want their ease. But it doesn’t happen like that for everyone. Sometimes people stumble into their purpose, their destiny with grace. Some of us bounce around hitting walls, tumbling like a tumbleweed in the desert. We have no grace. We’re the ones that stumble through life, with dishevelled hair, and a look of WTF? just happened there ?!!!


Some of us bounce around hitting walls, tumbling like a tumble weed in the desert

Yes, some of us just have no smooth life. And that’s okay, period ! Because we have some awesome tough, strong warrior like energy because of all the BS we have been through. There is no stopping us ! Not even the ‘knock you out’ feeling, that the Universe seems to want us to feel, to the deep inner core. Our motto ? “Is that all you’ve got ?”.


Eventually, you will find your way. Your biggest ideas, creativity and inspiration will not always come to you with a big BOOM in your face sign. No, it’s going to come when you least expect it. Doing the mundane dishes, walking the dog, running errands, singing out of tune in the shower, mowing the lawn, even an episode on the toilet. Yup, it can happen anywhere, at anytime.


Your biggest ideas, creativity and inspiration will not always be some big BOOM in your face sign. No, it’s going to come when you least expect it.

Write it down ! Whatever message, inspiration, ideas you get, write it down, even if it makes no sense at the time.

The key message I want to give to you is that, there is always time for you. You’re not running out of time. You are going to feel that things aren’t looking up and you’re running out of time for your success to come through. Well I want to put it straight to you. If you are still breathing, you’ve still got time and a lot to give to the world. Your life, your family,  your business, yourself.


Don’t be afraid to grow, expand, evolve and bring in new ideas, new creativity and most importantly to take action. Creativity is where you will inspire yourself to get moving and create BIG things, for your vision of what you want in your life. It doesn’t come from standing still, it comes from that inner drive, inner force, willpower that moves within you.


It doesn’t come from standing still, it comes from that inner drive, inner force, willpower that moves within you.

You’ll feel an urge, as if something wants to emerge, birth, blossom into something magnificent. Only you will feel it, see it, experience it within you. Your visions remember ! Don’t worry if no one else sees it, feels it. It is for you and you alone to discover that driving force that will propel you on to a path of destiny !

The final word here. Remember this when life knocks you back. Someone’s no is your YES ! That means, if someone says no to your path, closes a door, its an opportunity to continue on your path, to your Yes ! Not everyone will see it, feel it, experience it with you, or even understand it. Only you can do that for yourself ! What are you waiting for ?!! Go get your magnificent dream life, your destiny !!! See you at the TOP !!

Katica x